Stay Calm and Carry on

Sometimes I wish that I could go into a time machine right now and just look at my self and say, ‘Calm down. Things are gonna be fine. Things are gonna be all great. Just relax.’ Tristan Wilds

Chaos runs amok in my life and the lives of my friends these days.  Surgery, work, construction, sickness, death, language practice, social commitments, and just life in general.  It’s always easy after the fact to remember that these things come and these things go.  In the heat of the moment though.. not so easy.  Sometimes I’m just chugging along and “BAM” there it goes again.  When I finally calm down.. I realize it was never that bad.. or even if it was, it’s over and life is good again and I feel silly for taking it all so personally.  That’s one reason I’m so happy to have some visual reminders of the calm that exists in my life no matter how chaotic my mental state can sometimes be. I hope you enjoy the visuals that I have been exposed to recently.  Sunsets, sunrises and grandkids first day of school!

Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. Publilius Syrus

“How you can sit there, calmly eating muffins when we are in this horrible trouble, I can’t make out. You seem to me to be perfectly heartless.”

“Well, I can’t eat muffins in an agitated manner. The butter would probably get on my cuffs. One should always eat muffins quite calmly. It is the only way to eat them.”

“I say it’s perfectly heartless your eating muffins at all, under the circumstances.”
― Oscar WildeThe Importance of Being Earnest

Where’s my Backpack,  Leya, WoollyMuses,Roaming Urban GypsyLadyleemanila, Oh, the Places We See . . .Netdancer’s Musings, Jaspa’s Journal,WordsVisual,  A Day In The Lifeceenphotography.comOuch!! My back hurts!!,Mama Cormier,Figments of a DuTchessTravelrat’s TravelsOut an’ About, Une photo, un poème,  Musin’ With Susan, The New 3 Rs: Retire, Recharge, Reconnect,


1 thought on “Stay Calm and Carry on

  1. As each comes and goes I use this quote my friend John used to tell me day in and day out for years. “This too, will come to pass, not to stay” May each day in your journey of life with filled with moments of love and kindness.

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