Travel theme: नेपली Time

Ailsa from “Where’s My Backpack” posted an awesome theme once again this week. Her travel theme is Time.  Considering I am always running out of time and actually behind schedule as I write this, I thought it would be fitting to post a photo of the time I am studying from the country I will be going to in the very near future.  Now if I can only remember how to say the phrase and the numbers.

IMG_0933 IMG_0934

Time in a bottle – This link is actually better as it shows a video of Jim Croce with his kid.  Love it.

11 thoughts on “Travel theme: नेपली Time

  1. Pingback: Travel Theme: Time | mothergrogan

    • Interestingly enough it’s not too difficult.. very easy to pronounce and read..each symbol makes one sound and one sound only.. when you add and combine it to other letters it is a little different but still only makes one sound.. it’s the word order that’s crazy.. they end with the verb.. hard to get used to.

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