Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine

This weeks weekly photo challenge at the Daily Post is:  Mine.  What is mine? I have to ask this question because as I look around me, almost everything in this house is NOT mine.

Over the past 20 years I have moved over 15 times.  I have lost many things to breakage, misplacement, stuff left behind, stuff gave away due to lack of room in my packing and once even to complete water damage loss.  I have had my home robbed 2 times in a 6 month period with a total loss each time.

Ok.. so it’s not the physical things.  Family?  Yeah my daughters will in fact always be mine.. but as in past posts I have also stated that your children are NOT your children. They grow up and go away.  They are always in your heart but they are never truly yours.. really just a gift.  Same with sisters, parents, grandparents, cousins.. etc.

2012 Haute Pink Family foto in Seattle

Early family photo with cousins

Old photos of my family. Mom/dad sisters

Really it’s the same with friends.  Especially for people of a transient nature such as I.  Always in my heart but a gift that is meant to be enjoyed when possible.

Sunrises and sunsets.  I see them both and enjoy them beyond measure.  How could you not?

sun rise venezuela

sunset in Venezuela

So if it’s not the people, places and things around me.. what is completely mine? The only thing I could really think of and the only thing that is with me all the time.. always in my head or in my ears or out of my mouth is my music.

The following is a song my youngest daughter and I changed the words to while in Korea.

Music is mine.. True others sing it and play it but I possess it.  Love all kinds of music and it’s the one thing that has lasted through happiness, sadness, joy and tears.  The following is a random sampling of cover music I really love.  Enjoy.

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15 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine… | Mirth and Motivation

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Mine | Chittle Chattle

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine… | The Blog Farm - A Growing Blog Community

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine!! « What's (in) the picture?

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine « patriciaddrury

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine | Project 365 Challenge in 2012

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine | Rebecca Barray – Writer/Photographer

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