Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique Walls – a combined obsession

Oh where to go with this one?  So many places so little time. I’ve decided to play a small game of catch up and combine 2 different photo challenges from 2 different sources.  Let’s begin.

UNIQUE – I loved this first photo challenge from the Daily Post on Feb 1 and Walls– from Where’s My Backpack on Jan 25.  As I have reflected in a few of my past posts, I really love street art.  I do understand there is a fine line between street art and destructive graffiti. I would say that there are many who only understand street art as a negligent form of graffiti and relate it only to poverty, disrespect of property and criminal activities. There is that and it cannot be denied. However, when connected to a project and when an attempt is made to include the opinions and participation a community it can turn into an amazing array of artistic expression.

Street art can be a manner and means to draw attention to a specific topic and raise awareness around political issues? It can be the start of a community based arts program that supports young minds, especially since many arts programs have been removed from schools.  It can also just be an amazing means for communities or groups to express themselves.

Included in the following photos are some of my favorite walls and graffiti-like advertising signs.  I hope you enjoy.

Colour is fun, colour is just plain gorgeous, a gourmet meal for the eye, the window of the soul. – Rachel Wolf

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. – Pablo Picasso

White Walls Say Nothing -This film is about empowerment through urban art & activism, and how the walls of Buenos Aires became the voice of its people. The link above was produced when the project was still trying to raise money the below video is a preview of the documentary.

Baltimore Opens Its Walls To Street Art ; Wynwood Walls76 Unbelievable Street And Wall Art Illusions

Some of my favorite themes from these two challenges:

8 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique Walls – a combined obsession

  1. Some great stuff here – I wish more big cities would give young artists to “legally” get a chance to practice their art and brighten communities at the same time… Thanks for the trackback.

  2. Pingback: Back to Street Art.. Istanbul | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  3. Pingback: Taking it to the Streets – Vienna | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

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