Word Break

I am about 63 words in to my only defining words year.. only words defined year.. a year of words definitions.. uh.. my annual word challenge?  Anyways.. Any way …

I am taking a one day break to present to you my second challenge.  Actually it wasn’t really a challenge, it was a necessity for me.  2020 was a tough year.

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Right when I started to feel more than slightly over-whelmed…. when I hit the wall of, “I just can’t do this any more.” My best friend from high school started this song exchange with me.

“Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.”
― Johnny Depp

I’m honestly not sure if it was an intentional “I want to start passing songs back and forth through eternity.” Or if it just started as an idea and bloomed into what I now consider a necessity to start each day.  All I know is we have reached the magical number of 500. (I’m not sure that is legally a magic number or just something I made up.)

“Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. “A magic beyond all we do here!”
― J.K. Rowling

I’m not talking 500 songs total.  I’m saying, on my end, I have sent her 500 songs.  This means that she has likely sent me at least 500 songs.  Out of 1000+ songs exchanged.  We only have a couple of repeats.

“He took his pain and turned it into something beautiful. Into something that people connect to. And that’s what good music does. It speaks to you. It changes you.”
― Hannah Harrington

What this really means is that even though it was to be a daily one song exchange, there were obviously days we became carried away with the song, the follow song, and the song that might have led to five other songs.   It also means that this was not what you would call a one hit wonder and move along jack.  It was something we started that became a something we do thing.  Sometimes we talk about the songs we have sent and sometimes I will wake up to just one song to which I will reply with one song and that is enough. It gets me going every single day.

“Music is the soundtrack of our lives.”  ~Dick Clark

The songs chosen range from songs that inspired us in youth, to new songs that we had no idea existed until we received or gave that song away.  The songs have made me laugh, cry, and wonder .. deeply wonder.. about the talented folks who have been the sound track to my life.

“Music has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel. I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio.”
― Hunter S. Thompson

Some songs brought me back to specific times that only I know about while others caused me to stop what I was doing and just dance.. songs that were intrinsic to road trips I took with family.. high school dances.. couples roller-skating.. and even the deaths of my mom, my dad, and some very dear friends.

“Music is life! It’s physical emotion – you can touch it! It’s neon ecto-energy sucked out of spirits and switched into sound waves for your ears to swallow.” – Isaac Marion

“I love the way music inside a car makes you feel invisible; if you play the stereo at max volume, it’s almost like the other people can’t see into your vehicle. It tints your windows, somehow.”
― Chuck Klosterman

These songs listed below, are songs that carried me through a very difficult 2020 and into a slightly less difficult but still difficult 2021.  These songs reminded me that despite everything, I still have music.  These songs have assured me that no matter how many songs I have heard, or will here, there will be a thousand more, a million more, songs into infinity, that will carry me through the next difficulty.

Pick a song.. share a song.. sing a song.  You might be .. you will be amazed at how it will transport you from whatever you are doing to whatever you need to be doing.  Or it will stop you from doing what you shouldn’t be doing.. or cause you to forget what it was you were doing.  Just pick a song.  share a song.. sing a song.  Just because….Cuz it just makes you feel like a movie star, a dancer, a singer, or an out and out rock star!!!

Hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar
Hmm, hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar ~ Nickelback – Rockstar

“When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be.

Let it be, let it be, …..

And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me,
shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, …..”
― Paul McCartney

Soothing my soul: joyfulgoff; balroop; william; brenda; jim; paula; kait; mishmash; writer; tracey; colinandray; bluebird; pelgris; luisa; sandra; telltale

Day 3 – Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

I took the perfect photo with my Iphone about 8 years ago.  I started to write a post on it, but literally lost my motivation.. or got carried away with other motivations.  I’m settling back down and trying to finish up old tasks or personal challenges I left behind. 

For awhile I loved taking photos of everything.  I found it a bit exhilarating.  I did it for myself and no one else. Somewhere along the way, I forgot that i only did it for myself and got caught up in only doing things for other’s enjoyment.

I am back and now trying to work on finding that intrinsic happiness of doing things because i enjoy them.  Not for anyone else, but for my personal self satisfaction and interest. So here it is and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Only one question:  Thirsty?


“No matter how valuable you are and your ideas, fools will certainly play both of you down, so exclude yourselves from the inflammatory environs of fools.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson

Other posts I like

Mahbutt; Harlem; Livefree; girlvsworld; eric; hunger; happiness; doodle

“If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where I can return Mondays.” — John Wagner

“Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year.” — David Dweck

Every Monday I wake up motivated to start on the right foot. Or the left.  It doesn’t really matter.  My goal is simply to remove unnecessary chaos.  I diligently plan, prep skeleton schedules,create alternate plans should unexpected issues arise.  By Friday, I am on it like white on rice.

“I always try to go the extra mile at work, but my boss always finds me and brings me back.”— Unknown

I often come in on the weekend just to ensure success. I don’t mind. I love organization. I love preparations. I mean…I have managed every single situation that has ever been flung on me.  I got this!  EVERY THING EVERY TIME!  I have successfully worked through earthquakes, civil unrest, teenage daughters, and every other form of man-made and natural chaotic event.

But …then … comes … Monday.


Followed by Tuesday … Wednesday … Thursday … and TGIF.

“There cannot be a stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full.” ­— Henry Kissinger

Begin again… repeat …. this week will definitely be different.  Sooooooooo…. Every Monday I wake up motivated to start on the right foot. Or the left. It doesn’t really matter. My goal is simply to remove unnecessary chaos. I ….. well you get it….

“Some days, the best thing about the job is that the chair spins.”— Unknown


A year of good morning inspirations.. thanks Fran

morning on my balcony

Morning on my balcony 2014

Jakesprinter is back in gear and he has been providing some inspirational ideas for blogging.  Inspirational quotes.  It’s been a rough couple of months here with the monsoon and all so I’ve decided to take up the challenge and at least once a week post something that inspires me in the hopes of inspiring you and therefore re-inspiring me.  It just so happened that this morning was the first time I saw the sun and the mountains in quite awhile.

For my first inspiration I am going to combine morning views from my balcony as well as some quotable quotes from a very inspirational friend of mine.  All of the below quotes and photos were taken from her wall. (With her permission) Except for the pictures from my balcony.  She never claimed to be the originator of the quotes and some of them might not even been her that said them … though I believe most all of these have come directly from her heart.

I cannot change yesterday, but what I can change is today.

Heading for a weekend of Cell phone and Facebook free time.  Swimming and chatting with some amazing friends. I could not ask for a better life.

Remember to take, a moment each day to count the endless blessings in your day.

Back in da day

Back in da day

Every single morning I search out this friend’s Facebook page because she never fails to post an insightful thought or word of encouragement to anyone who will listen. Sometimes it’s just a goofy picture of her or her friends and family that causes me to smile.  I don’t think she even realizes how much her words and photos encourage me each day.  Here’s to you Franny… Thanks for just being you and thank you for sharing. Love ya.

Living in acceptance is an amazing place.. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, watch me fly…
Looking forward and not backwards because really, I did not leave anything behind that I truly need today.
Sending joy for your hearts my friends and family…

Morning on my balcony

Morning on my balcony

What you would never guess about Fran by reading her posts, quotes and well-wishes is she that she is a survivor.  Every time I see her or chat with her online she is living proof that no matter what goes on in your life there is hope. You, and only you can really make a decision to save yourself.  She never shirks accountability and is humble enough to share her joys and sorrows.  Though she does focus more on the first then the last.  She INSPIRES me on a daily basis. I cannot, for even a second believe that I am the only one who is inspired.  Now that’s inspirational!!!

Just taking a moment to reflect on the blessings that life gives me each day. Friend’s traveling to see one of the great wonders of our state Coulee dam. . And the moments we take on our own deck enjoying the gifts from my children. Oh and the time spent checking out the chickens with a special grandson after a good night rest.

I never want to lose sight of these moments and countless blessings.

So take the time to seize the moments in your life.
The blessings are truly endless.
Women's Fun in Recovery Bonaparte Campout.

Women’s Campout.

Posting July 17 –

I love this post because I lived for a long blaming others for decisions I had made. Today I know that have been blessed with the ability to make choices that I can own and live with every day..
So the message; I leave you with today, turn right, or turn left. Take one step back or two steps forward.and before you know it you will see all the blessing left by you making your own choices.
Life is amazing.


Posting from Fran July 28 – her birthday.. just one more day, month, year to be thankful. Thanks for the reminder.

Thank you all for the wonderful Birthday wishes. It truly means so much to me. I had the best day ever. For me it was about not making it about me. So many times in my life I would fill my head with great expectations only for none of them to come to light.

So yesterday was about spending time with the women that help me learn to live life on lives terms. Then it was like magic my boys called to wish me a happy birthday I do not know how they knew when I would be home but there timing was impeccable.

I never could have dreamed of the life I have today. Thank you all for being a part of my life. I am truly blessed.

She’s a woman who loves life, her friends but especially she loves her family.  I mean don’t we all. However, do we all express it so well?

My sister just posted pictures of my son’s at state finals. Not only do I have amazing boys. I have an amazing sister that captures the true love of horses that my sons have for riding and competing.
Thank you sis…… I so so love you and the time that you put into these amazing pictures. I could never put into words what this means to me.
Thank you again…
Congrats to my boys and the amazing men they are… If you click on this site and go to the album marked M and B Lyngstad you can see my boys and how handsome and amazing they are…

WOW Sorry about the ego but they are my boys…

So thankful to my sister that captured such great memories. I am a very blessed to have such handsome and kind son's.

So thankful to my sister that captured such great memories. I am a very blessed to have such handsome and kind son’s.

Some people are blessed with one sister,

maybe two… I am so lucky, I got three!!! And let me tell you, they are AMAZING!!

Love my big sisters!!!

WOW my sisters look great. What a blast from the past. High school days so many years ago.

WOW my sisters look great. What a blast from the past. High school days so many years ago.

Beautiful family and beautiful sister love.

Beautiful family and beautiful sister love.

For flash back Thursday I’m reminded of a true cowboy my daddy. I laugh because turned the TV low and behold gunsmoke is the first thing I see is Matt Dillon riding a buckskin horse.

See my daddy was like Matt Dillon kind loving and oh so handsome. Days may come and go but the love of my daddy will never fade. Just as the reruns of Gunsmoke.
So my message today is people my leave our lives but there memories will forever last in our hearts.

For flash back Thursday I'm reminded of a true cowboy my daddy. I laugh because turned the TV low and behold gunsmoke is the first thing I see is Matt Dillon riding a buckskin horse. See my daddy was like Matt Dillon kind loving and oh so handsome. Days may come and go but the love of my daddy will never fade. Just as the reruns of Gunsmoke.  So my message today is people my leave our lives but there memories will forever last in our hearts.

This morning as I came up the stairs and the aroma of corned beef filled the air. I was magically transported to days of yesterday. Days of my daddy cooking for the ones he loved. Uncles cousins, grandkids, kids, grandma, and his friends countless to go boxes and pounds upon pounds of corned beef and cabbage, baby red spuds.
I guess should say the best part of the day was the joy it brought to my dad. His eyes would sparkle and his brows would curl up in his devilish way and he would laugh the whole day through.
So many times we forget that family and friends are the glue that pieces our lives together.
So today I challenge you to pause and thank some of the glue that has bonded your life together.
Thank you . Sending you blessings from my heart to yours.

45538_154844967863641_3211205_nTime with the grandkids never goes unappreciated.

 Its because the kids just make me smile... Nothing better than time with them...

Its because the kids just make me smile… Nothing better than time with them…

I am still missing a few pieces of my life, but what I have put back together is more amazing than ever.
So just always remember piecing your life back together can mean positive changes. Take the time to put the pieces back one at a time, and you will never regret the process.
Sending joy and happiness to all my family and friends.

Morning on my balcony

Morning on my balcony

Well on this my friday in the office day.. My heart leaps as, I await the arrival of my son for the evening.
Its amazing, no matter how old my children get how much my love grows for them every day… I am such a blessed woman and so grateful I can see what a blessing they are in my life… This is something I never want to forget.
I wish this blessing for all my friends and family. Sending love to you and the ability to always see the countless blessings in your lives…


So if nothing changes, if nothing changes. Its again time to take action…
Life is about change. What are you willing to do? Are you willing to go to any lengths for that happy ending to an amazing day.
Looking forward to change………..

I feel like I know her family as well as I know my own .. I know I don’t but she’s such a proud mother and is not afraid to express it.  I love this and it’s a reminder of how we should all treat all of our family.  Thanks Fran. Don’t ya kind of want to hang out with them?

Counting the endless blessings in my life this morning.. After a weekend a way I see my beautiful niece will become a bride oh what joy that brings to my heart to see her filled with joy.. I see a picture of my son and his father riding hand in hand and the tears of joy of a bond that can never be broken.
Sometimes in life its not about what we get to do, in life, its the simple joys of seeing life in action in others. Hearts that go pitter patter, or the love between a father and a son… Again the endless blessings and joys of life that make me so so grateful for the gifts I have been given….
So just for one moment today look outward, find the joys of others, give some joy to another and at the end of the day take that moment to count the endless blessing and the gift we have been given…

From Childhood to Adulthood, no matter the change or struggle Fran has known how to have a good time.

Happy Halloween.. to the ones I love..

People laugh at me when I tell them this is my favorite holiday but as far back as I can remember Halloween was the day you got to be anyone you wanted to be or not be.

The days we laughed at the memories of my mom making us eat the hot dogs and sauerkraut that I love today before we could go out trick or treating.

It was a time to come together as a family laugh see good friends and see pure sugar joy on the faces of children and adults.

In my memories will live the days of the pack of little skunks, the herd of cow’s the package of oreo’s and one giant glass of milk, the pumpkin patch. The year the we had the entire cast of the Wizard of OZ.

And truly what is more cool then an inexpensive meal that feeds the soul and does not kill the pocket book. The love of family when we come together to laugh and watch kids grow up. I wish all holidays could be so amazing.

I hope that you all have an amazing Halloween and take the time for a meal with family and watch the children grow and laugh…


Living in the here and now.. Because if I trip over what tomorrow may, or may not bring. I am screwing myself of all the blessings I can truly receive in today…
So pardon me; as I head out to enjoy the amazing gifts, of watching the tree’s turn from green, to the amazing colors of fall. Then I am going to jump in my car and head out to see some amazing friends in Arden for some reading and laughing…
I am still free today to make a choice to live just for today…
Sending the gift of choice to you my friends and family.


Posting from Fran Dec 2013

As time passes it doesn’t get any easier. Today would have been mothers birthday and I’m having a tough time being without her today. Tears have come and gone all day. My mother was an amazing woman who would have given anything she had to some one in need. She was tough when she needed to be soft and sweet when she thought you weren’t watching. I love and miss my mother everyday! Happy Birthday Mom! Celebrate in Heaven!

Memorial to Fran's mom

Memorial to Fran’s mom

My own mother passed in 2005.  Every year, especially around Christmas I really think about my mom.  This particular post inspired me to express my feelings and properly grieve for mom.

Morning on my balcony

Morning on my balcony

This morning was absolutely full of blessings…I have not gotten kids off to school in forever let me just say starting your day baking muffins and making sausage and eggs.. Brushing a little one’s hair and find a solution for the child that does not have just the right shirt to wear for the day..
These are truly blessings that can not be erased. Oh I would in a minute go back to raising children all over today to have these blessings every morning..
Life never has to be full of the things we have to do. We can pause and reflect on the things we get to do.
I know, I can not turn the clock back to change the past. I can look forward to the future of Grandkids and and the little people we get to have in our lives to love for free and for fun…
So my message today, is take a moment, to enjoy the blessings that just magically appear out of no where.
Have an amazing weekend all…

Morning on my balcony

Morning on my balcony

No matter what never judge the nut by its shell because you never can tell what it may be later in life…

539114_10151196144476322_1976457422_nMy hair may be gray..I may not look like a supper model. I have joy in my heart. As far as I can tell thats enough…
Remember we are all different,

we just get to be who we are nothing more nothing less.

Sending happiness and much joy to the ones I love…


 Life is like a book of endless chapters. In the last few years I have opened and closed many chapters of my life. Which has shown me the way of growth and faith.

The best part is I could have never predicted all of the amazing blessing’s I have today. I am not talking about material things I am talking about the things that matter the most in life. Love…. Faith….. Trust………..

Morning on my balcony

Morning on my balcony

Imagine if you can.. this was only about one year’s worth of inspiration…

If you want to share an inspiration quote or link.. I would love it.



Imagination – views from my balcony

That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up.      -Walt Disney

As much as I love my current job, I will admit the one thing I really, really miss from my past life as a teacher is having the opportunity of working every day with children. It’s not that some of the adults I work with now do not act like children, they do. Seriously, that attitude is absolutely not what I miss.  It’s the loss of using pure imagination to create and understand what is happening around you that seems to disappear when you are surrounded only by “adults”.

Only a child sees things with perfect clarity, because it hasn’t developed all those filters which prevent us from seeing things that we don’t expect to see.  

– Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency

I miss the creativity, the vision and the acceptance of the abnormal you can lose yourself in when working with and teaching children.  Everything is a little amazing and nothing is beyond belief from a child’s perspective. Refrigerator boxes become castles and kingdoms where battles ensue and the destroyed landscape is simply rebuilt with more boxes in a matter of hours. Every day is a scientific experiment.  Water flow is diverted to build lakes, snow is piled to build homes, ants and other tiny creatures are examined to create a life size replica of their world. How amazing it is, their world.  How amazing is their imagination.

Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.

– YODA, Star Wars Episode II

I had guests visiting my home a few weeks ago and they brought me to my balcony to witness what was apparently a coming of age cultural event for boys in Nepal or at least in my neighborhood.  I am not sure what all was involved in the boy event.  There were tents, cooking, weird tree teepees and lines of things happening.

DSC02103 DSC02110

There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.  – J.Robert Oppenheimer

However, what I found more interesting was what the girls were doing. Apparently, not to be left out they had created and built by themselves a variety of courses and activities that required blind folds and hitting things with sticks, tunnels, board walks and old tire courses.  It was quite lovely to watch.  The enthusiasm that these girls exhibited during these relays was contagious.  I really did want to join in. The imagination they used to build this course was kind of awesome.  I don’t even know what the water challenge was about and I think that might have been the only one I didn’t want to participate in..though I would have loved to have gotten a closer look at.  I’m sure this course could have taught me a few things about myself and about the children in my neighborhood.

I love the imagination and creativity that seems to have gone into the building of these challenges.  I loved going to school in an era where imaginatory (made up word) teaching was prized and I am thankful for that.  Here’s to remembering the power and value of imagination.  Here’s to re-learning why bringing imagination back into our lives is so important.  Here’s to parents supporting their child’s imagination.

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.

The Student Teacher Writing Challenge from the daily post fit right in with my mood.  Needed a little creative writing, teaching, thinking to pick me up.  Check out some other posts I found inspiring.

  1. Lessons Without Walls – Joan T. Warren
  2. Horse Lessons – Icelandica
  3. Do Smart Phones Make us Dumb? – The intrinsickness
  4. It’s a beautiful world.  – Love Happy Notes
  5. My Child, My Teacher – Master of Something
  6. Student, Teacher – Mallory Kessen
  7. I am not broken teacher – spirit grind
  8. A letter in Trees – eternal domination
  9. Ido – Attempted Human Relations
  10. Student Versus Teacher – Morpethroad
  11. Imagination Exercise – Alien Aura’s Blog
  12. Things Movies Have Taught Me – Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  13. Teacher – I am a writer yes I am
  14. One Step at a Time – The intrinsickness